Make food automatically
It is equipped with innovative software (F-OS) and interconnected like an IOT device. Thanks to patented hardware and intelligent software Haura produces finished food without the need for human intervention.
Cooking food without knowing any techniques
The new Food Applications contain all the knowledge of the preparation. You only need to enter the ingredients and you don't need to know anything else to use Haura.
Home cosmetics
Many cosmetic creams derive from natural products. With Haura you can prepare creams and other cosmetic products starting directly from edible raw materials. Thanks to the software and mechanical skills Haura is able to prepare cosmetics free of chemistry and without excessive expenses.
Drink and cocktails
Shaking, swirling and mixing is a bartender's art. Haura also knows the art of drinks.
Cold infusion
High temperatures and pressures are required to extract the active ingredients from plants. Cold infusion preserves all the active ingredients but requires constant movements for hours. Haura can handle a full slow shaking program for hours thus ensuring an excellent product without loss of key active ingredients.
Storage for preservation
Haura can prepare small portions or large quantities of sauces and other products. Thanks to the patented extrusion mechanism it is possible to fill sachets of sauces without the risk of spilling the product and store in the fridge to save time and money.
By means of the various sensors, Haura can check both the quality and the quantity of the product. You can easily follow diets without having to use scales or other auxiliaries. With the NetChef platform you can also save your data to be able to verify them or send them to your dietician.
Social objective
NetChf, in addition to being a reference platform for Haura, will also offer a new social network. No longer just virtual, but based on the objective reality of the food we prepare.
Copyright © 2022 Haura – Haura S.r.L. - Strada del Friuli, 61 - 34136 Trieste - C.f. e P.Iva 01376230320
Tel. +39 335 7687626 - E-mail: